St Edmund King & Martyr, Southwold

APCM 2024 Forms and Documents

The APCM is at 10.45am on the 12 May this year. It will follow our worship at 9.30. Below are forms for new applicants to the electoral roll, nomination of churchwardens and new members of the PCC.  If you would like to know more about what these positions entail do talk to existing PCC members.  We also have a vacancy for Deanery Synod representative.  The nomination form for this position can also be found below.

Electoral Role Application 

Churchwarden Nomination

PCC Nomination

Deanery Synod Nomination

This year we are posting all the APCM documents here for you to download.  This is to reduce our printing costs and the environmental cost of printing so many pages.  If you would still like a copy of the reports printed for you please put you name on lists held at the back of Church.  Should you wish to read the documents on a digital device during the meeting then please access the Church Guest Wifi which broadcasts under the name 'St Edmund's Guest' (no password is required).

The APCM documents are as follows:


Minutes from 2023 APCM

Annual Report and Accounts

Church Electoral Roll

Fabric Report

APCM Reports  These reports are avoilable as a list of headlines - 'Southwold Church in Action'

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