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Situated in the heart of Southwold, St Edmunds welcomes families and people of all ages. If you are a visitor in town on Holiday you are always welcome to join us at any of our services on Sundays or other activities during the week.
St Edmunds is one of 8 churches which make up the Sole Bay Team. For more information about the Sole Bay Team please follow the following link:
St Edmund's is open from 10.00 to 16.00 every day. We welcome visitors to the church. We hope you enjoy your visit.
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Friday 28th March
4:00pm -
Evening Prayer
Thursday 3rd April
10:00am -
Holy Communion
Friday 4th April
4:00pm -
Evening Prayer
Sunday 6th April
8:00am - 8:45am -
Holy Communion
9:30am - 10:30am -
Family Service
11:15am -
Holy Communion
Thursday 10th April
10:00am -
Holy Communion
Friday 11th April
4:00pm -
Evening Prayer
Sunday 13th April
9:30am -
Holy communion Family Service
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